The City League traces it's origins back to a Crosstown Neighborhood Association Meeting in the summer of 2013. It was decided soon after that Little Bethel Missionary Baptist Church would use it's gym facility to host a basketball open gym - free of charge - for young men in the neighborhood. A year after the open gym began a competitive tournament was organized. The goal being to generate some revenue to support the open gym activities. Three tournaments were held before a decision was made - in order to elevate the quality of the basketball it was imperative that the surrounding community be involved.
In the fall of 2016 King Park and Mapleton-Fall Creek Development Corporations became involved as representatives of the Mid - North and NE Corridor Quality of Life Plans. These plans were comprehensive, community driven outlines that detailed what area residents wanted to see happen in order to improve the quality of life where they lived. King Park and Mapleton - Fall Creek teamed with representatives from Little Bethel to lead the charge in securing community support, both financial and in the form of volunteer participation.
The City League is the product of collaboration between local businesses and organizations who provide both financial resources and volunteer hours to produce a unique, high quality basketball event. In exchange, the energy the basketball tournament provides creates a great platform to promote area businesses and different initiatives being worked on to improve the quality of life in the area.